Travelling Alone -the Biggest Team Event I've ever been Part Of!

For almost five months now, I have been travelling between different cities. My longest stay has been less than a month in Karachi. I have also been to Virginia, New York City, Chicago area, Lakeland, Orlando, DC and New Jersey. On my list for the months ahead are: Connecticut, Alabama, Milwaukee and Chicago again. I set my sails all alone, and even then it is amazing how so many different people come together to take me where I have to go.

Its a mini-miracle to me everytime I set to travel or move to another city. I have stopped counting the number of times someone offers me a exactly the help or  tip I need -getting a place to crash, or a room close to where I am working, or a great desi foodstore, or a great opportunity to work. They are acts of God to me, and the right way to be thankful to God is to return them the favor and be thankful to them. That's
what I believe.


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